3/18/18 - "The World is Going to Hell in a Hand-basket![]()
3/11/18 - "I'm not broken."![]()
3/4/18 - "Anything Goes"2/25/18 - "We Evolved" |

Bulletin - 2/25/18 | |
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Article: The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds The Answers Book for Kids Vol. 1-4, Ken Ham Answers in Genesis: many resources Creation Museum: an experience for the family Creation Evidence Museum: |
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed: a documentary exposing the undermining of our academic system regarding creation
2/18/18 - "It's Not A Problem."

Bulletin - 2/18/18 | |
File Size: | 348 kb |
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Overcoming Addiction (Devotional)
7 Days
Have an addiction or know someone who might? Addictions are so common. In fact, we all have at least 1 or 2. In this series, Dr. Karl Benzio, a Christian psychiatrist, uses psychological sciences about how God designed our minds to work and unpacks the cause and symptoms of addiction, then helps us understand how to apply the cure God reveals in the Bible to renew our mind and find freedom over the addictive idols of our heart.
Click this link to join Pastor Kevin in doing this devotional.
1. Confess the secret. Read 2 Kings 17:9; Psalm 90:8; Mat. 6:18
2. Cut the excuses. Read John 8:34 –36; Romans 6:6, 11-14; 17-18.
3. Cut the ties. Read 1 Corinthians 10:12-14; 15:33-34; Romans 13:12-14 Addiction is really a “worship disorder”. Instead of trusting and depending on Christ to meet our true needs and satisfy our hearts, we turn to someone or something to temporarily satisfy some physical or emotional desire.
4. Fill the void. Read John 4:13-14; 6:35; 7:37-38; Romans 8:6; 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:12, 19-20, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Ephesians 5:17-21.
Overcoming Addiction (Devotional)
7 Days
Have an addiction or know someone who might? Addictions are so common. In fact, we all have at least 1 or 2. In this series, Dr. Karl Benzio, a Christian psychiatrist, uses psychological sciences about how God designed our minds to work and unpacks the cause and symptoms of addiction, then helps us understand how to apply the cure God reveals in the Bible to renew our mind and find freedom over the addictive idols of our heart.
Click this link to join Pastor Kevin in doing this devotional.
1. Confess the secret. Read 2 Kings 17:9; Psalm 90:8; Mat. 6:18
- Do you think God knows your secret? Who do you think might know about your secret? Which is more troubling for you?
- Read Rom. 2:5-16. How will God respond in the end to our secret sins? Does “through Jesus” (vs 16) in pact us?
- Read 2 Cor. 4:2. What does it mean to renounce something? What keeps you from telling the truth?
- Read James 5:16. What are the two commands given? What will be the result?
2. Cut the excuses. Read John 8:34 –36; Romans 6:6, 11-14; 17-18.
- Based on these verses, what hope does a believer have of being free from addiction?
- What has been crucified in the believer and what is the result?
- What does it mean to be dead to sin and alive to God? How would believing this bring freedom from our addictions?
- What makes it possible for us to say no to sin?
- Give some examples of how we might present the members of our body to sin? To righteousness?
3. Cut the ties. Read 1 Corinthians 10:12-14; 15:33-34; Romans 13:12-14 Addiction is really a “worship disorder”. Instead of trusting and depending on Christ to meet our true needs and satisfy our hearts, we turn to someone or something to temporarily satisfy some physical or emotional desire.
- While Moses was up on the mountain getting instructions from God, what did the people turn to and begin to worship?
- What hunger were they trying to satisfy? What evil things did they crave? What ties to Egypt did they need to cut?
- What can we learn from their example as it relates to addiction? In what way is an addiction a form of idolatry?
- What are some ways of escape that God might provide as it relates to addictions?
- How does the lust of the flesh turn into an addiction? How do we “make no provision for the flesh”?
4. Fill the void. Read John 4:13-14; 6:35; 7:37-38; Romans 8:6; 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:12, 19-20, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Ephesians 5:17-21.
- Name some addictions and the physical or emotional desires they promise to satisfy. Example: using food to relieve stress, boredom, or emotional pain.
- How can right worship of God satisfy our true needs and desires?
- What do you think thirst and hunger represent? What point is Jesus trying to make when He says He is our bread and water?
- What voids do we try to fill with external, temporal things? Why do they not satisfy us? What will truly satisfy us?
- What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? How do we know if we are filled?
- Upon what things of the Spirit are we are to set our thoughts (Rom. 8:6)?
2/14/18 - Ash Wednesday
2/11/18 - You Need Technology

Bulletin 2/11/18 | |
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