“In the year 1846, ten more families came to Wisconsin namely, Ter Beest, Loomans, Rensink, Vanden Bosch, Slyster, Rikkers, Niewenhuis, Hoftiezer, Boland, and Hollendyke. In the following year, 1847, this pioneering group was augmented by the Bruins, Boom, Veenhuis, De Groot, Veernhout, Van Eck, and Wal huizen families. Indeed a noble band of men, women, and children. Men and women who had come here with the avowed purpose of escaping religious persecution and bettering their material conditions. An excellent nucleus sturdy, industrious, and imbued with an unswerving faith in God and men they laid a foundation upon which a structure arose wherein is reflected, even today, the spirit of righteousness and truth. No wonder they felt the need for religious influence, communion, and training.”
One hundred and seventy years ago, these 10 families settled in Alto after leaving family, friends and possessions behind to escape religious persecution. Reformed believers had been arrested, fined, and even imprisoned for their beliefs. The frustration with their situation nudged them to seek a better life where they could worship freely, work toward financial stability, and serve their God. Their convictions and “unswerving faith” drove them to pursue a vision of a better life.
One hundred and seventy years ago, these 10 families settled in Alto after leaving family, friends and possessions behind to escape religious persecution. Reformed believers had been arrested, fined, and even imprisoned for their beliefs. The frustration with their situation nudged them to seek a better life where they could worship freely, work toward financial stability, and serve their God. Their convictions and “unswerving faith” drove them to pursue a vision of a better life.
Human nature is to pursue comfort and stability, but God calls us to a life of sacrifice and risk (faith). It appears to me that Alto Reformed Church has again and again sent out men and women who heeded God’s call to a life of self-sacrifice and risk. This is, at least in part, who we are: a people called to equip and send missionaries. Our Mission Statement is a bit broader, but our Vision, Core Values and Strategic Priorities give more direction.
I love the statement made in “The History of the Reformed Church of Alto” regarding how Rev. G.J. Hekhuis (1917-1923) inspired the church to do even more to live out what they were known for… |
“For years Alto had been know as a church which loved the cause of God’s Kingdom and was willing to sacrifice.” Read it again. This church is not merely a historical building, but generations of believers sacrificing for the sake of serving the poor, reaching the lost, growing disciples, equipping leaders, and planting churches.
You are invited...
You are encouraged to grow your faith and family by participating in our ministry. Join us Sunday morning. Then check out our youth ministry, children's ministries, and adult ministries. You are then urged to join us in the mission and become a Covenant Partner/member. We do a periodic lunch/class to discuss this, but in the mean time you are encouraged to look through our Covenant Partnership packet. I look forward to serving Christ with you. - Pastor Kevin |